The enterprise directory reimagined

Rimeto gives employees context and understanding to work together effectively

Your workforce is changing

Are you ready?

Each year, 25% of the corporate workforce is new to their employer.¹ By 2020, 50% of the workforce will be remote. People can't work together if they don't know each other.

¹ Work Institute National Employee Retention Report

Profiles are the heart of Rimeto

Every employee has an advanced profile that brings together all the information about who they are, what they work on, who they work with, their experience, expertise, and more

Instant communication
Find contact information and initiate communication with one click.
Find anyone, anywhere
See office affiliation and precise desk location - including office maps.
Understand reporting structure
See someone’s manager, direct reports or administrative assistants. Plus an interactive org chart.
Browse the enterprise graph
See group affiliations, including: departments, teams, projects, committees, employee resource groups and more
Get historical context
See professional and educational background
Facilitate growth
Understand focus areas, goals and more
Customize profiles with elements relevant to organization overall or person's specific role.

Unify your information

Automatically integrates from multiple enterprise systems (e.g. HRIS, ATS, CRM, Email, Calendar, etc.).

  • Data integration

    Automatically integrates from multiple enterprise systems (e.g. HRIS, ATS, CRM, Email, Calendar, etc.).

  • Presentation layer

    Employee-facing, consolidated view above source systems provides seamless employee experience on web and native mobile.

  • User control

    Admins may allow employees to edit and control visibility of select fields, which are then passed back to internal systems of record.

Remember events

New colleagues, work anniversaries, birthdays (especially for reports and teammates).

Learn names and faces

Get to know people with an interactive flashcard game.

Empower people to do their best work

Rimeto unlocks your organization's collective experience, skills and relationships. Employees get the insight they need to drive impact.

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